Private Lesson Protocol
Health Policy
If the student is sick, they cannot come to lessons.
If they arrive at the lesson and are sick, they will be sent home.
If anyone in the student’s house is sick or potentially contagious, the student cannot come to lessons.
The instructor has an autoimmune deficiency which can lead to him needing to cancel at times.
The instructor’s autoimmune deficiency makes it very easy for him to get sick, which is why students are not allowed to come to lessons if they or their family are sick.
The instructor also has young children, and does not want to transmit anything to his child that the students might bring in.
Break Weeks
There will be scheduled one- to two-week breaks throughout the year.
The dates for the break can be found here
This time is set aside for the student to practice the given material
The students are expected to practice during these breaks
Student material can be found on the Student Portal and in their notebooks
These breaks will be adhered to even if the instructor has previously canceled for health reasons.
Payment Schedule
Students pay for four lessons at a time.
Four lessons = one session
First payment is due on the first lesson of the first session.
All payments afterword are due on the fourth lesson of each session.
The second payment will be due on the fourth lesson of the first session.
Missed Lessons
Students will not be charged for a missed lesson if:
There is sufficient notice and reason,
There is an emergency and you are unable to give notice, or
If the student is sick.
Students will be charged for a missed lesson if:
There is no notice, or
There is not sufficient notice (i.e. canceling last minute because the student forgot, had a prior engagement, etc.)
If students need to cancel their lesson, they must give at least one day’s notice.
Said notice should only be given between the hours 10am and 10pm, Sunday through Friday.
Student Requirements
Students must provide and bring their own notebook and folders to lessons.
Students must practice at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 15 minutes each time.
Students must complete their listening homework.
The goal is that the students practice 5 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour every day, depending on their practice load and skill level.
The emphasis is on PRACTICE.
Practice = working on written assignments
Failure to complete listening homework and/or assignments can result in lesson time reduction or termination of lessons.
Other Things You Should Know
When students arrive for lessons:
Take your shoes off by the door and set them on the shoe rack.
It is preferred that if parents wish to stay for the duration of the lesson that they wait in the lobby.
If a parent wishes to sit in on the lesson, please refrain from trying to assist.