Rental Contract

These are well made instruments; they are in good condition and are to be returned in the same condition. and if treated carefully they will last a long time without major damage. For small children, it is encouraged that the parent/guardian be present with the child while they play/practice to monitor care of the instrument.

  • I, the renter, will be taking this instrument home for the agreed upon duration.

  • I, the renter, will pay the agreed upon monthly cost promptly on the first Monday of the month.

  • I, the renter, will take proper care of the instrument and will treat the instrument as if it were my own.

  • I, the renter, will take care that this instrument will only be used inside at home or at lessons/class. When the instrument is not being used it will be stored in its case and placed in an area where it will not fall or be damaged.

  • The instrument will not be placed or played by a cooling or heating unit to prevent the material from expanding or shrinking.

  • The instrument will not be placed in direct sunlight – i.e. by a window with direct sunlight – as this is also harmful to the instrument.

  • Any damages will be paid for, and in the case of the instrument being damaged beyond repair, the full value of the instrument will be paid.